Safeguards On and Off the Ranch
Sponsored by: Lonestar Tracking Speakers: Joey Aguilar and Cody Hyde, Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association Protecting your ranch goes beyond fences and gates; it requiresawareness, preparation, and the right partnerships. Led by TSCRA Special Rangers,this session dives into essential strategies for preventing theft, ensuring livestocksecurity, and staying vigilant against emerging threats. Learn how
Beef Quality Assurance: Animal Identification Methods and Best Practices
Speakers: Dr. Ron Gill and Dr. Bruce Carpenter, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Attend this Beef Quality Assurance training session to learn about variousaspects of individual animal identification. This session will discuss the benefits anddetriments of different forms of identification and will demonstrate the application ofcommon types of identification, including administration of both visual and
Cattle Dog Demo
Speaker: Roy Cox Watch the teamwork between a skilled cow dog and its handler as theywork together to herd and manage cattle. This demonstration highlights the importanceof efficient cattle herding for ranches, emphasizing communication, precision, and therole herding plays in livestock safety and productivity.
Beef Quality Assurance: Equipment and Low Stress Cattle Handling
Speakers: Dr. Ron Gill and Dr. Bruce Carpenter, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Join us for a Beef Quality Assurance training focused on equipment andlow-stress handling. Learn techniques for utilizing equipment to facilitate low-stresscattle handling in this Beef Quality Assurance session. This session will cover propermethods and potential opportunities to use cattle handling equipment
Beef Quality Assurance: Pharmaceutical and Injection Site Management
Speakers: Dr. Ron Gill and Dr. Bruce Carpenter, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Enhance beef quality with this Beef Quality Assurance training onpharmaceutical and injection site management. Learn best management practices thatpromote pharmaceutical product efficacy and beef product safety. This session willprovide you with information on handling and administering pharmaceutical products,minimizing tissue damage, and
The Mind of a Marketer
Speaker: Case Craycraft, East Texas Livestock Auction; Ken Jordan, Jordan Cattle Auction; Greg Goudeau, Navasota Livestock Auction Moderator: Tim Niedecken, Livestock Marketing Association of Texas In Texas, more than 80% of ranch calves and yearlings sold at livestockmarkets are purchased by livestock dealers. Livestock markets and dealers areuniquely positioned to evaluate livestock and help
Scoring for Success: Mastering Frame & Body Condition Evaluation
Sponsored by: Zinpro Speaker: Dr. Clay Burson, ZinproUnderstanding frame and body condition scores (BCS) are vital forimproving herd health, nutrition and reproductive efficiency. This session will cover thevalue of frame scoring and BCS as key management tools for targeting your productiongoals. Dr. Burson will also explore new technologies designed to enhance the reliability
Beef Quality Assurance: Cattle Behavior and Low Stress Cattle Handling
Speakers: Dr. Ron Gill and Dr. Bruce Carpenter, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Join this Beef Quality Assurance training focused on cattle behavior andlow stress handling. Learn the essentials of cattle behavior and how to use low-stresshandling techniques to improve beef quality, animal well-being and cattle productivity.This session will equip you with the information
Meat Cutting Demo
Speakers: Dr. Dan Hale, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension; Drew Cassens, Texas A&MUniversity; Kaylee Greiner, Texas Beef Council From beef primal to retail cuts, industry experts will demonstrate how a fullbeef carcass becomes meat items found on a grocery store counter. Don’t miss theaction in this hands-on, up-close beef cutting demonstration. Beef sponsored by
Ranch Injury Prevention
Speaker: Douglas Simmerman Join Douglas Simmerman, Southwest Ag Center Outreach Consultant, foran open discussion on tractor accidents and key safety practices. Topics includeroadway safety, preventing tractor overturns, safe use of front-end loaders and powertake-off (PTO) safety measures. Learn practical tips to protect yourself and others whileoperating ranch equipment.